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Stacy Roder

Superstar Consultant

My Story

Hello My name is Stacy and I am a Wife and mother of 2 Beautiful boys. Our family is constantly on the move from the baseball diamond to the basketball courts. I currently left my position at the local elementary that I worked at for 8 years, to help with our family business. I do sub a few days a week . This was defiantly a hard decision to leave. This was my 2nd home and and 2nd family. A little about how I got introduced to Scentsy...... I purchases my first warmer and bar back in 2010 and I fell in Love with it.  I would always burn candles in my home but after getting my warmer I choose Scentsy 100% in my home.  Since I loved the products that are offered so much, I decided to join the company back in 2011.  I am 12 years strong with an amazing company.  If you have ever thought about joining please send me a message and I would Love to chat with you.  If this is the first time purchasing Scentsy i would love to talk with you Let me know if I can book your next party and you can earn all goodies.
Stacy Roder

What's warming in my home